Fire Extinguisher Testing Sydney

Australia's #1 Choice For Your Fire Extinguisher Testing


nationally accredited


Welcome to Pulse Test & Tag Sydney:

Fire Extinguisher Testing Services in Sydney

Ensure the safety of your property and occupants by maintaining reliable fire extinguishers. At Pulse Test and Tag Sydney, we provide comprehensive fire extinguisher testing services to meet regulatory requirements and keep your premises protected from potential fire hazards.

Why Choose Pulse Test & Tag Sydney for Fire Extinguisher Testing?

Experienced Professionals

Our team consists of experienced professionals who are well-versed in fire safety regulations and testing procedures. With years of expertise in the field, we ensure that your fire extinguishers are thoroughly inspected and tested for optimal performance.

Compliance Assurance

We understand the importance of compliance with fire safety standards. Our services adhere to Australian regulations, providing you with peace of mind knowing that your property meets the necessary safety requirements.

Comprehensive Testing

We conduct comprehensive testing procedures to assess the functionality of your fire extinguishers. From visual inspections to pressure tests, we leave no stone unturned in ensuring that your equipment is ready to combat any potential fire emergency.

Convenient Scheduling

We offer flexible scheduling options to minimize disruption to your operations. Whether you need regular testing or an urgent inspection, our team is ready to accommodate your needs at a time that suits you best.

Detailed Reporting

Upon completion of testing, we provide detailed reports outlining the condition of your fire extinguishers and any recommended actions. Our transparent approach ensures that you have all the information needed to make informed decisions regarding your fire safety measures.

Our Fire Extinguisher Testing Process:

Visual Inspections

We visually inspect your fire extinguishers to identify any visible signs of damage or wear.

Pressure Testing

We conduct pressure tests to ensure that your extinguishers can withstand the necessary operating pressure.

Functionality Check

We test the functionality of your fire extinguishers to verify their readiness for use in an emergency.

Compliance Checks

We ensure that your fire extinguishers comply with Australian standards and regulations.

How Often Should You Get Your Fire Extinguishers Tested?

In Australia, the frequency of fire extinguisher testing is regulated by state and territory legislation, as well as Australian Standards. Generally, fire extinguishers should be tested and maintained at regular intervals to ensure they are in proper working condition and compliant with safety standards. Pulse Test & Tag Sydney are able to book you in initially and moving forward recurring to make sure you stay complaint with NSW’s regulations. 

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