Test & Tag Newcastle
Pulse Test And Tag Newcastle will come to you at a industry competitive rate! For a prompt, professional service guaranteed call us or use our online enquiry form today. Our call centre is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We are committed to excellent customer service and taking care of your family and employees by doing standard tests of your portable electrical equipment in your home or workplace. Our aim is to help you comply with electrical safety by Testing & Tagging portable electrical equipment which has the potential to reduce the risk of serious injury or death within the workplace or home giving you peace of mind.
Pulse Test And Tag Newcastle will come to your premises or worksite and Test & Tag portable electrical appliances to AS/NZS3760 & AS/NZS3012 which is a requirement under Occupational Health and Safety Regulations for all businesses and workplaces.
Our Services include:
- A visual check of the portable appliances to identify any problems or defects
- Electrical tests performed with one of the latest Portable Appliance Testers (P.A.T.)
- Tagging of all portable appliances and leads with next test due date
- Portable RCD (Residual Current Device) testing and trip times
- Microwave radiation leakage tests
- Earth continuity, Insulation Resistance, Polarity and Current leakage tests
- We provide a computer generated report detailing appliances and test results
- Follow up reminders to ensure you remain compliant
- Free quotes (Conditions apply)
Get your appliances serviced today! Call 18004ATEST now for an obligation free quote.