Hi, I’m Laurence from Pulse Test and Tag Battery Hill. I am here to assist you in meeting and exceeding your legal obligation (under AS/NZ 3760:2012) for portable electrical appliances and tools. I help you keep yourself, employees and customers stay safe.
I am available for service before or after hours to cause minimal impact to business function with weekend availability also. I have over 15 years of industry experience and am able to accommodate your needs to suit your business.
Pulse Test and Tag Battery Hill offers the following services:
- 240v/ 415v (20 + 32 Amp) Test and Tag
- RCD Testing
- Microwave and Thermal Inspection
- Lifting equipment inspection and tagging
- Free Quotes
- Friendly reminders when due again
Pulse Test and Tag Battery Hill is available from Caloundra to Buddina and out the Hinterland. I can travel to suit your business or arrange for testing to be done out of the area. Once is all it takes.
I have been testing and tagging for over 15 years. This has been for hire companies through to Power Authorities. I know the impact that down time causes and work with you. I grew up in Caloundra with all my schooling done at Currimundi Primary and Caloundra High school.