Hi, my name is Stephen from Pulse Test And Tag Bull Creek. I can test and tag all of your portable electrical appliances and equipment to minimise any disruptions from faults and unwanted failures. If your tags are due or past due I can make sure you comply with current national standards. I am available after hours for your convenience to avoid disrupting your workplace during the day!
At Pulse Test And Tag your electrical safety is important to us! You owe it to yourself and your workmates to maintain an excellent equipment inventory; up to date and compliant. I am a qualified, accredited test and tag technician with a friendly attitude, professional customer service and value your business as I do my own.
Pulse Test And Tag Bull Creek offers the following services:
- Free ongoing quotes
- Visual inspections and earth leakage
- Insulation Resistance
- Polarity and current leakage or a wide range of portable and fixed electrical items
- 3 phase testing- 415v
- Microwave radiation leakage testing
- Minor plug top repairs
Pulse Test And Tag Bull Creek also have these items for sale:
- Extension leads
- Power boards
- Portable RCD devices
We offer a free microwave radiation leakage test to all new customers!
Pulse Test And Tag is available in Jandakot, Riverton, Booragoon, Bull Creek, Willetton, Canningvale, Wandi, Oakford, Brookdale and Armadale.
I have been a resident in my area for over 20 years and have seen Perth grow and grow to the city it is today. I am going to do my upmost to ensure that your electrical portable tools and leads are both safe and reliable for you to use in your business and you to go home safely everyday knowing that all your test and tagging requirements are met.
Free ongoing quotes and drop in service available for regular clients. I guarantee all my work and am fully insured. If your tags are due or overdue, I am here to help remedy the situation.