Pulse Test & Tag Queanbeyan provide quality inspections and testing of electrical appliances and equipment in the workplace to ensure safety for everyone in the workplace.
Pulse Test & Tag provide great customer service, reliability, competitive pricing and an understanding of the importance of maintaining a safe working environment. Whether you work in an office or in a warehouse, from home or for a mobile business; make sure you get your electricals tested and tagged to ensure your business complies with Australian Standard AS3760 2022.
Our Test & Tag operators all carry a restricted electrical work licence which means that repairs or replacements on any defect items can be fixed on the spot. Resulting in minimal disruption to your business and you and your staff can continue to work safely.
Pulse Test and Tag Queanbeyan offers the following services:
- Test & Tag Appliances
- Visual & Defect Checks
- RCD (ELCB) Checks
- Supply Defect Parts EG. Power Boards & Extension Leads
- Repair & Replace Defect Parts EG. Cord Sets & Plug Tops
- Microwave Testing
- Light Globe Replacement
Allan from Pulse Test & Tag Coomera exudes a well-defined work ethic and values, see outcomes achieved accurately & efficiently. Allan’s number one priority will always be customer safety and satisfaction.
Contact Pulse Test & Tag today on 1800 428 378 to receive a FREE quote.
Pulse Test and Tag Queanbeyan service: Woden, Tuggeranong, Weston, Fyshwick, Kingston, Manuka, Braddon, Dickson, Gungalin and all other areas in surrounding Canberra including Queanbeyan.
If you suburb of location isn’t listed, contact us to find your local operator!