Pulse Test And Tag Rydalmere understand the importance of safety in the home and working environment. Electrical devices left unmanaged can cause serious injury or even death to unsuspecting users.
We pride ourselves in honoring our commitments to our customers, in ‘doing what we say we will do’ and can bring value to your organisation by
· Providing a safe and healthy environment in the workplace
· Maintaining adherence to OH&S legislation
· Offering differentiated services – No service fee, 3 monthly free visual check
· Increasing your productivity by not tying up local resources
· We’ll even change your light globes and test your Microwave
Ovens for leakage
Pulse Test And Tag Rydalmere is a part of the Pulse Services family that can utilise resources and knowledge bases Australia wide.
Contact us now and experience the difference that Pulse Test And Tag Rydalmere can bring to your organisation.