Test & Tag South Australia

Australia's #1 Choice For All Your Electrical Safety


nationally accredited


What is Testing and Tagging?

Testing and tagging is the process of testing electrical equipment and appliances to ensure that they are safe to use. This is done by regularly checking for any signs of wear and tear, and making sure that all electrical components are properly functioning. Testing and tagging can help prevent electrical accidents and fires, and can also prolong the lifespan of your electrical equipment.

Is Testing and Tagging Required in South Australia?

Short answer: yes! South Australian work health and safety laws appoint employers with the obligation of maintaining organised workplaces that pose no risks to staff well being. The proper and safe use of electrical appliances falls within this jurisdiction and is regulated by national standards AS 3760 and 3012. These standards include several measures that employers must take to protect workers, including the testing and tagging of all portable electrical equipment. And even if it wasn’t required by law, testing and tagging is just a smart thing to do. Not only does it help keep your workplace safe, but it can also save you time and money in the long run by helping to prevent electrical hazards and equipment damage.

How Testing and Tagging Works

Testing and tagging follows a two step process to ensure electrical equipment is sound and suitable for use in the workplace.

Physical Inspection

  • cracks or splits in the casing.
  • loose or damaged plugs.
  • frayed or damaged cords.
  • exposed wires.

If any of these things are found, the appliance should not be used and should be repaired or replaced before it can be used again.

Testing with a Portable Appliance Tester

The second step in testing and tagging is to actually test the appliance with a tester. This will tell you whether or not the appliance is safe to use. The tester will check the appliance for any faults that could potentially make it unsafe. If the appliance passes the test, it will be given a tag that shows the date it was last tested and the next date that it is due for testing. If the appliance fails the test, it should be repaired or replaced before it can be used again.

How Often Should SA Businesses Be Testing and Tagging Their Electrical Equipment?

There isn’t a single answer to this question-the intervals at which your electrical equipment should be tested and tagged will depend on a number of factors, including the type of equipment, the environment it is used in and how exposed it is to risk.

National standards AS 3760 and 3012 outline the following guidelines for testing and tagging intervals:

  • Applications for building, construction and demolition-3 months
  • Equipment in factories, warehouses and production facilities-6 months
  • Environments in which appliances and/or supply cords are prone to flexing or wear-12 months
  • Environments in which appliances and/or supply cords are not prone to flexing or excessive wear-5 years

Test and Tag Colours in Australia

Official regulations require businesses operating in the industries of construction and demolition to administer a test and tag program on a quarterly basis (every three months). This is regardless of whether the equipment is new or second-hand, moved around frequently or not, and is simply done due to the inherent risks that are associated with these work environments. To ensure that organisations are able to clearly keep track of and manage this obligation, the government also requires construction and demolition companies to use specific test and tag colours when tagging their appliances. The colour system, often referred to as RGBY, comprises four different colours, each of which represent a different period of the calendar year.

  • Red Tag – December, January and February
  • Green Tag – March, April and May
  • Blue Tag – June, July and August
  • Yellow Tag – September, October and November

Colour coding is not mandatory for businesses outside of the construction and demolition sectors, however is highly recommended due to the simplicity and effectiveness it can offer. RGBY doesn’t have to be the only colour scheme used in these cases, but is definitely the most commonly adopted system throughout South Australia.

Other Tag Requirements

Beyond colours, there are also a few other key things that need to be included on each and every test and tag.

These include:

  • The name or logo of the company that performed the testing
  • The date on which the equipment was tested
  • The signature of the person who carried out the testing
  • The next due date for testing (this is generally 12 months after the equipment was last tested)

Can You Test and Tag on Your Own in South Australia?

In South Australia, the answer to this question is unfortunately no. Only a licensed electrician or someone who has been specifically trained in how to test and tag electrical equipment is legally allowed to carry out this type of work. This is because testing and tagging involves working with live electrical circuits, which can be extremely dangerous if not done properly.

Of course, it is possible to obtain the ability to test and tag lawfully through the completion of an accredited training course and by obtaining a licence for electrical work. Such a process is generally only undertaken by those who are looking to start their own business in the testing and tagging industry, however, as it can be quite costly and time-consuming.

It’s important to remember that attempting to test and tag your own equipment can not only put you at risk of serious injury, but can also invalidate your insurance policy in the event that something does go wrong. As such, it’s always best to leave this type of work to the professionals.


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