Test And Tag Victoria

Australia's #1 Choice For All Your Electrical Safety


nationally accredited


What is Testing and Tagging?

Testing and tagging refers to the process of validating electrical equipment for safe functioning and use. This includes testing for proper insulation, overcurrent protection, and earthing. Equipment that passes these tests is then affixed with a tag or label that indicates it has been tested and is safe to use. Tagging and testing is typically performed by a qualified electrician, and must be done regularly to ensure that all equipment remains in safe working condition. It is an essential facet of safety in the modern workplace, and is often required bylaw or regulation.

Testing and Tagging in Victoria, Australia

Testing and tagging in Victoria, Australia is governed by the country’s national AS3760 and 3012 standards and enforced by the Victoria Workcover Authority. The most recent update to the Test and Tag Standard was in 2022, which included a myriad of changes from the previous 2010 version. These latest adaptations have been made with the intention of further protecting workers from electrical hazards in the workplace. Under AS/NZS 3760:2022, all businesses-regardless of their size or industry-are required to ensure that their electrical equipment is regularly tested and tagged. The specific intervals at which this should occur depend on the type of equipment involved and the environment in which it is used, but generally speaking, most equipment will need to be tested at least every 12 months.

Is Testing and Tagging Mandatory in Victoria?

Employers in the State of Victoria are obligated to maintain safe working environments for their staff as outlined in Section 21 of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004). A failure to meet AS/NZS3760national standards for testing and tagging means potentially failing this duty of care-which can lead to hefty penalties. Not only is testing and tagging vital for keeping employees safe, but it’s also a legal requirement in many industries. Many businesses are required to test and tag by insurance companies, and in some cases, it may even be a condition of your lease. If you’re unsure whether your business needs to test and tag, the best way to find out is to speak to a WorkSafe Victoria accredited electrician.

What Needs to Be Tested and Tagged in Victoria?

The ANZ3760 standard covers all plug-in or portable electrical equipment,appliances and machinery that is connected to a power supply via an electriccord. This includes items such as extension leads, power boards, officeequipment, kitchen appliances, hand-held tools and portable lighting.

How the Process of Testing and Tagging Works

The process of testing and tagging can be broken down into two main parts.

Physical Inspection

The first step is a visual inspection of the equipment. This is to check for anyobvious signs of damage or wear and tear that could make the item unsafe touse.

Physical Inspection

The second step is to connect the equipment to a Portable Appliance Tester, which will check that it is safe to use. This includes testing for proper insulation, overcurrent protection and earthing. Equipment that passes these tests is then affixed with a tag or label that indicates it has been tested and is safe to use.

When VIC Businesses Should Be Testing and Tagging Their Electrical Equipment

Test and tag frequencies can vary based on the type of equipment being used, the environment it’s being used in and the level of risk involved. National guidelines offer the following provisions as a general rule of thumb: Applications for building, construction and demolition-3 months Equipment in factories, warehouses and production facilities-6 months Environments in which appliances and/or supply cords are prone to flexing orwear-12 months Environments in which appliances and/or supply cords are not prone to flexing or excessive wear-5 years

Test and Tag Colours in VIC

The industries of construction and demolition are mandated to follow a 3-monthtesting and tagging schedule. This is due to the high-risk nature of the work being undertaken, as well as the fact that electrical equipment in these environments is more likely to be damaged or moved around. As a result, the tags used to indicate that an item has been tested and deemed safe to use are colour-coded through a system referred to as RGBY.

  • Red Tag – December, January and February
  • Green Tag – March, April and May
  • Blue Tag – June, July and August
  • Yellow Tag – September, October and November

Businesses that operate outside of the construction and demolition industries are not legally required to follow this colour-coding system. However, many companies choose to do so as it provides a quick and easy way to keep track of which items need to be retested and tagged.

Apart from colours, tags must also include the following information:

  • The name or logo of the testing company
  • The date of the test
  • The signature of the person who carried out the test

Testing and Tagging on Your Own in Victoria: Is it Allowed?

Yes and no. Official legislation states that only ‘Competent Persons” withappropriate experience and training may test and tag equipment in Victoria. Thismeans that the work can only be carried out by a qualified electrician, and is notsomething that should be attempted by regular individuals.

Deciding to Do it Yourself

The only way you can compliantly test and tag in Australia is as a ‘Competent Person’ with a licence for electrical work. This requires experience and training in the electrical field.

You could do a course to become qualified, but this would take time and money-at which point you may as well just hire a professional to do the job for you. Not to mention, if something goes wrong and someone is injured as a result of your work, you could be held liable.

Hiring a Professional to Test and Tag Your Equipment

The safest and most reliable way to test and tag your equipment is to hire a professional. This takes the risk and liability off of your shoulders, and ensures that the job is done correctly.


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